Of all the signs Gemini is definitely the one that needs to be reminded about balance. 2013 is certainly going to give you tons of opportunities for you to find balance and to discover when you are off balance. It sounds like 2013 is going to be a challenging year for the Gemini; it is actually the year many Gemini's have been waiting for. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, a Gemini will discover the passion they have long been seeking and avoid the burnout that's been slowly creeping up on them.
Gemini Career and Work Horoscope in 2013
The last few years you've been working extremely hard at your job, as you attempt to get ahead of ahead of the rest of the group. You're ready for some real challenges in your life - who are you and what can you do. You'll have to wait a little longer, because this isn't the year for that 'big deal' in your career. This is the year when you will keep up the 'good fight' you've been fighting.
This is the year to tap into all of those skills you have tucked away and use them to the best of your ability. You are going to once again be in a phase of preparation at work, but over time you are going to enjoy the 'payoff' you've been so patiently waiting for. Don't be too quick to share your plans for the future with others. There are a few people that would like to get in your way, so just stay 'hush' about move past them stealthily in 2013.
Gemini Love and Relationship Horoscope in 2013
Gemini has never had to worry about companionship or love in their life. The Gemini has the ability to get along with almost everyone. You are always seeking out new people to meet, even when you are just out and about for the day. 2013 is going to have you facing a few more challenges than previously experienced. Yes, you can easily manage your relationships but others in your life aren't so cooperative.
Don't be surprised when you find yourself having to tell others they aren't living up to your standard and that you have to take care of yourself before you focus on others. This doesn't mean you have to evict all your relationships but it is time for you to tell those that are hindering or hurting you that you no longer want to keep them in your life. This is going to be tough for you since you never want to lose friends even if they drain you.
It's important that you save your energy for the people in your life that make you happy and support you. Those are the ones that count.
Gemini Health Horoscope in 2013
Gemini's can be really unhealthy or really healthy - perhaps this is related to the twin nature of your sign. However, you'll also need to keep an eye on it this year. This is the year the opportunity is there for you to restore your health.
A great way to accomplish this is to simply set aside some time every day to participate in something that is healthy for your body. This could be a walk that supports you physically as well as spiritually. What you do isn't important - it's about doing something you like and finding balance in your health because when you do the rest of your life will also become balanced. So take this year to focus on restoring your body's balance. You know you are ready for change Gemini!